Christ Washing the Disciples' Feet, from the series Toneel… | MSK Gent
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Christ Washing the Disciples' Feet, from the series Toneel ofte vertooch der Bybelsche historien, 1659

  • burin engraving, paper
  • 68 x 101 mm
  • Inv. 2014-GM

Public Domain

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Pieter Hendriksz. Schut RKD
Amsterdam ca. 1660 - 1680
engravers (printmakers)AAT

Nicolaes I Visscher
Amsterdam 1618 - Amsterdam 1679

Nicolaes II Visscher RKD
Amsterdam 1618 - Amsterdam 1709

Title Christ Washing the Disciples' Feet, from the series Toneel ofte vertooch der Bybelsche historien
Date 1659
Period 17th century
Location Amsterdam TGN
Medium and support burin engraving AAT
Signatures, inscriptions, and markings printed inscription outside the depiction, below: Christus wast der Discipelen voeten, dat Petrus eerst weygert, en daer na toelaet.
printed inscription outside the depiction, centre below: Ioann. 13. 5.
printed inscription bottom right, outside the depiction: 90
inscription reverse, centre: 2
Collection print room
Object type burin engraving AAT
Inventory number 2014-GM
Acquisition credit unknown
Current whereabouts Work currently not on display
IIIF Manifest
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300055874 religious symbolism AAT
300189808 figures (representations) AAT
300124520 interior views AAT
Keywords Iconclass 11D Christ Iconclass
11D3 Christ as adult Iconclass
11I3 the twelve apostles (as a group), usually with books or scrolls (not in biblical context) Iconclass
31A233 kneeling figure Iconclass
31A235 sitting figure Iconclass
31A543 washing one's feet Iconclass
31A71 male sex; man Iconclass
41A771 container of metal: bucket, can, canister, drum, tin, etc. Iconclass
73 New Testament Iconclass
73D Passion of Christ Iconclass
73D2 the episode of the Last Supper Iconclass
73D23 Christ washes the feet of the apostles (John 13:1-20) Iconclass
73D231 Christ washes Peter's feet Iconclass
School / Style Baroque AAT
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