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Doctrinal Nourishment, 1889

  • etching, paper
  • 180 x 238 mm
  • Inv. 1998-B-79-2

Public Domain

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In this etching from 1889, Ensor sharply criticised the political situation of his time. King Leopold II is shown in the company of the country's two leading parties: on the right the liberals consisting of the army and the bourgeoisie, on the left the Church. The rulers are feeding their followers from the bourgeoisie, the clergy and the army with their excrements. In their hands they hold placards with the demands of the people. Ensor's vision of the political and social situation in Belgium at that time is also expressed in the etching "Belgium in the 19th century" (inv. 1998-B-81).


James EnsorRKDVIAFWikidata
Ostend 1860 - Ostend 1949

TitleDoctrinal Nourishment
Date 1889
Period19th century
Medium and supportetchingAAT
Signatures, inscriptions, and markings inscription top left: BELGIQUE EN 1889 / ALIMENTATION DOCTRINAIRE / INSTRUCTIO / OBLIGATOIRE / SERVICE / PERSONNE / SUFFRAGE / UNIVERSEL
inscription on the reverse: AT
inscription on the reverse: 13 / 5/5 / (4e) etat) / D79
Collectionprint room
Object type etching AAT
Inventory number1998-B-79-2
Acquisition credit purchase
Taevernier, Auguste (coll.)
Current whereaboutsWork currently not on display
IIIF Manifest