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The Glorification of Diana, 1717

  • wool (textile), silk (textile)
  • 408 x 330 cm
  • Inv. 1994-F-4

Public Domain

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In 1716, the Viscounty of the Oudburg in Ghent commissioned a series of tapestries devoted to the Exaltation of the Gods. The Viscounty was a fief of the County of Flanders, located within the walls of the Counts’ Castle. Barely a year later, the tapestries were hung in the Castellany. The Oudburg arms appears in the middle of each tapestry. Oudburg College was closed down during the period of French revolutionary occupation and the Viscounty building was demolished. The series ended up in the Museum of Fine Art in 1904, having had several homes in the interim. The Exaltation of Diana pays tribute to the twin sister of Apollo and youngest daughter of Jupiter. She is both the Goddess of the Hunt and protectress of wild animals, while her virginity makes her the Goddess of Chastity and the counterpart of Venus. Diana lived in the forest and open fields with her devoted and equally virginal nymphs. The tapestry shows her enthroned beneath a canopy, resting after the hunt.


Urbanus Leyniers RKD
Brussels 1674 - Brussels 1747
workshop / studio

Daniël II Leyniers RKD
Brussels 1669 - Brussels 1728
workshop / studio

Hendrik Reydams
Brussels 1600 - 1669
workshop / studio

Jan van Orley RKD Wikidata
Brussels 1665 - Brussels 1735
cartoons (working drawings)AAT

Aurèle Augustin Coppens
Brussels 1668 - Brussels 1740
cartoons (working drawings)AAT

Title The Glorification of Diana
Date 1717
Period 18th century
Location Brussels TGN
Collection decorative arts (discipline) AAT
Object type tapestries AAT
Inventory number 1994-F-4
Acquisition credit transfer
IIIF Manifest
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300417629 mythologies (religious concept) AAT
Keywords Iconclass 25F24(DEER) hoofed animals: deer Iconclass
25F24(WILD BOAR) hoofed animals (WILD BOAR) Iconclass
25F36(SWAN) water-birds: swan Iconclass
25G3 trees Iconclass
25G4111 garland, wreath Iconclass
34B11 dog Iconclass
41A4231 canopy, baldachin Iconclass
43C11 hunting, chase Iconclass
43C1113 bird hunting Iconclass
43C1147 hunting dogs Iconclass
47H6 textile fabric, cloth Iconclass
48C7352 horn, trumpet, cornet, trombone, tuba Iconclass
9 Classical Mythology and Ancient History Iconclass
92 gods ~ classical mythology Iconclass
92C the great goddesses of Heaven, and their train Iconclass
92C3 (story of) Diana (Artemis) Iconclass
92C392 companions, nymphs of Diana; 'Ninfe di Diana' (Ripa) Iconclass
92L3 nymphs (in general); 'Ninfe in commune' (Ripa) Iconclass
School / Style Rococo AAT
'Tapijtwerkers en tapijtwerk te Gent', in: Duizend jaar kunst en cultuur / Erik Duverger. - Gent : [s.n.] : [s.a.] (dl. III, p. 550-557)
'De triomf van Mars, een Brussels wandtapijt in de Koninklijke Musea voor Kunst / Ingrid De Meûter. - Brussel : [s.n.] : [s.a.] (p. 123-137)
200 jaar verzamelen : Collectieboek Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent / Arnout Balis, Robert Hoozee, Maximiliaan P.J. Martens, Paul Van Haute. - Gent : Ludion, 2000 (p. 108 (ill. 50), 270)
Het Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent : een keuze uit de mooiste werken / Patrick De Rynck. - Gent : Ludion, 2007 (p. 54-55 (ill.))
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