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Hippogriff, Evil Spirits, Interior Elements, ca. 1880 - ca. 1883, ca. 1886 - ca. 1888

  • charcoal, Conté crayon, red chalk, paper
  • 225 x 171 mm
  • Inv. 1994-A

Public Domain

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Ensor borrowed many motifs from his immediate surroundings. Several objects can be found in the rooms of his parents' house on the corner of Vlaanderenstraat and Van Iseghemlaan in Ostend, where the artist had his studio in the attic from 1880 to 1917. The combination of various interior fragments and fantastic elements on one sheet has an alienating effect and fits in with Ensor's interest in the theme of dream and reality. This drawing was once part of the collection of Ernest Rousseau, Ensor's Brussels bosom friend.


James EnsorRKDVIAFWikidata
Ostend 1860 - Ostend 1949
draftsmen (artists)AAT

TitleHippogriff, Evil Spirits, Interior Elements
Date ca. 1880 - ca. 1883
ca. 1886 - ca. 1888
Period19th century
Signatures, inscriptions, and markings signatures (names) centre below: Ensor
Collectionprint room
Object type pencil drawings AAT
Inventory number1994-A
Acquisition credit gift
vzw Museumpromotie
Current whereaboutsWork currently not on display
IIIF Manifest