Thursday Late | MSK Gent
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Thursday Late x
The Cobbler

18:00 – 22:00
event Thursday Late
20240919 MSK Opening expo c Martin Corlazzoli COR06461

On Thursday 7 November you can come and admire the museum collection, the exhibition and the Ghent Altarpiece after work hours! This edition is all about expressionism: you can sign up for one of the tours that will take you through the work of German expressionist Erich Heckel and expressionist works from the museum's collection.

Expressionist cocktails

The iconic Ghent cocktail bar The Cobbler takes inspiration from the world of expressionism especially for this evening. Their bartenders will create for us a signature highball cocktail (14 Euros), a coupe cocktail (14 Euros) and a non-alcoholic cocktail (9 Euros) that will take you back to the roaring twenties, but with a contemporary twist. And that, of course, with the top ingredients and expertise with which they have been making a name for themselves in the city for years.

Guided tour of expressionism

Late Thursday guarantees that slightly more unique museum experience, in the atmosphere of fall evening. For this edition, some entry-level tours are on the theme of expressionism. The tours on the theme of expressionism will take place from 18h to 19h30 and from 20h to 21h30. You can register via this link. Do you have a ticket for the guided tour? Then you no longer need to buy a separate museum ticket.

This tour is only in Dutch.

Drawing workshops

The ‘Viertelstundeakt’ drawing workshops will be led by Jakob from Schoonvolk! in room 16 and will take place from 7pm to 8pm and from 8.30pm to 9.30pm. Registration is not required.

Enjoying art in the evening

Every first Thursday of the month, the museum stays open longer for all who want to come and enjoy art outside of the regular hours. Throughout the evening, you can explore the museum collection in the evening quiet, visit the exhibitions Erich Heckel in Flanders or Alternative Narrative and look inside the restoration studio where 7 panels of the Ghent Altarpiece are being restored.