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Taking the collection outside: Wondelgem

20230623 MSK Bloemenbogen c Martin Corlazzoli COR05102

Four different partners from Wondelgem worked together on a creative project on the theme of flowers and plants in the MSK collection. This resulted in four metre-high flower arches for the De Libertyt residential care centre, which can be admired by all (neighbourhood) residents for a fortnight.

The first days of spring brought three different partners from Wondelgem (Wondelgem Creatief, WZC De Liberteyt and VBS Mariavreugde) together for a creative project, on the theme of flowers and plants from the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts Ghent. The pupils of Mariavreugde visited the museum and got to work with flowers in the creative studio. Museum guides and workshop supervisors welcomed the residents of the nursing home in the museum for a tailor-made tour and gave presentations in the nursing home itself, about flowers and plants from the collection.

Subsequently the partners got to work in Wondelgem. They drew inspiration from works of art by Jenny Montigny, Cornelis de Heem, Joseph Edouard Dantan, Gustave Van de Woestyne and more. During several creative afternoons, young and old rolled up their sleeves to make hundreds of flowers from crepe paper and other materials such as clay or fimo. With these, they created four metre-high flower arches that they set up in the garden of the residential care centre. For a fortnight, all local residents could walk through the flower arches and enjoy the splash of colour in their neighbourhood.

Watch the video:

Partners: Cultuurplatform Wondelgem, Wondelgem Creatief, Woonzorgcentrum de Liberteyt, Vrije kleuter- and basisschool Mariavreugde