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Taking the collection outside: Nieuw Gent

Nieuw Gent 1

Each August, the Nieuw Gent (‘New Ghent’) neighbourhood is the scene of the ‘Festival of Colourful Art’, a fun and festive event intended to get children excited about the circus, theatre, music and the visual arts. During last year’s event the children visited the MSK for inspiration.

In 2022, the children in the MSK searched for flowers in the collection and made colorful dolls, starting from their own body circumference. They learned about Patrick van Caeckenbergh's snail shell and the tronies and grimaces in 16th-century paintings. In the district, they practiced all kinds of acrobatics and theatrical techniques for a week and prepared their festive parade. While singing, the children took to the streets to warm up everyone in the neighborhood for the big circus show they had prepared for all the neighborhood residents. And the puppets they made in the museum proudly walked along!

The children found inspiration in: 'The Crowning with Thorns' (ca.1520) by Master of the Pflock Retable, 'Christ carrying the Cross' (ca. 1510-1516) by Hheronimus Bosch, 'The Shell' (1999-2009) by Patrick Van Caeckenbergh and 'Floweral Wreath' (17th century) by Daniël Seghers.