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Taking the collection outside: Sluizeken-Tolhuis-Ham

Drongenhofkapel Karen Rodts

The Drongenhofkapel is the setting for an exhibition of 'Honte, 2018-2019' by Berlinde De Bruyckere, 'Hemony' by Dirk Braeckman and 'Trans Parity' by Wim Delvoye. When pupils from the nearby school ‘De Mozaïek’ visited to see the works, they were asked to come up with three words to describe their experience of the chapel and, in particular, the work of Berlinde De Bruyckere.

Back at the MSK, the children went looking for works that corresponded to the words they had chosen. They settled on ‘Christ Carrying the Cross’, by Hieronymous Bosch, and taking it as a source of inspiration, they thought about ways to depict the idea of suffering. The results are now on show in the museum in the form of photos, which they took using cameras they built themselves in the museum workshop.

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Berlinde De Bruyckere also met with the children in the chapel to talk with them about her inspiration for the work and all of the steps she took to create it.