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The MSK builds close relationships with local communities and museum lovers from all over the world. Together we want to make the museum a space to exchange ideas and break down barriers to enjoy art. Below you can find different ways to become part of that MSK community.

    Become a Friend of the Museum

    The Friends of the MSK have been important museum patrons since 1897. Your annual membership provides financial support for the MSK and in return you'll receive numerous benefits.



    Since 2018, the youth crew Schoonvolk! has been growing the museum into a lively place for all ages. The changing crew of 16 to 24 year olds organise their own activities and want to 'kick the world's and the museum's ass'.



    MSK also relies on a team of enthusiastic volunteers. Student, job seeker, newcomer, pensioner, art lover, everyone is welcome. Volunteers help with technical support, public outreach, scientific research and events, among other things. At the moment, we are not looking for new volunteers. We will make timely announcements when opportunities to sign up are available again.

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    Guides and facilitators

    Every day, our team of guides and workshop supervisors takes groups of visitors on a tour of the collection. To make this team as diverse as possible, we also regularly look for new people with new perspectives.

    C Geert Van de Velde

    Become a member of our online community!


    The MSK runs on a team of passionate museumworkers. Who knows, you might even be the perfect person to join the crew! Be sure to take a look among our vacancies.

    © Martin Corlazzoli