This triptych originates from the Baudelo Abbey in Ghent. The Antwerp painter Jacob de Backer was commissioned by the abbot, Jacob del Rio, who is portrayed on the panel on the right with his patron saint. Probably partly at the behest of Del Rio, De Backer depicted the story of the miraculous healing of the Jewish king Hizkia on the central panel. Looking at the iconography of this work, the triptych comes together in a compelling way: the cavalry on the panel on the left, the passage from the Old Testament in the centre, and the raising of Lazarus in grisaille on the back of the panels all refer to the salvation from death.
The Crucifixion (left wing), The Prophecy of the Recovery of Hezekiah (central panel), Abbot Jacob Delrio with Patron Saint (right wing), The Raising of Lazarus (grisaille, back side of the outer wings)
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