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The Fall, 1597

  • burin engraving, paper
  • Inv. 2014-MW

Public Domain

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Jan Saenredam RKD
Zaandam 1565 - 1566 - Assendelft 1607
engravers (printmakers)AAT

Hendrick Goltzius RKD
Brüggen 1558 - Haarlem 1617

Robert de Baudous RKD
Brussels ca. 1574 - 1575 - Wassenaar ca. 1659 - 1665

Cornelius Schonaeus Wikidata
Gouda 1540 - Haarlem 1611

Title The Fall
Date 1597
Period 16th century
Medium and support burin engraving AAT
Collection print room
Object type burin engraving AAT
reproductive prints AAT
Inventory number 2014-MW
Acquisition credit unknown
Current whereabouts Work currently not on display
IIIF Manifest
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300055874 religious symbolism AAT
300015636 landscapes AAT
Keywords Iconclass 11K devil(s) and demons Iconclass
11K1 human-shaped devil Iconclass
11K41 devil(s) appearing to mortals, trying to seduce them; temptation Iconclass
11N1 Vice, Evil, Sin; 'Peccato' (Ripa) Iconclass
25F animals Iconclass
25F42 snakes Iconclass
25G3 trees Iconclass
31A the (nude) human figure; 'Corpo humano' (Ripa) Iconclass
31A231 standing figure Iconclass
31A71 male sex; man Iconclass
31A72 female sex; woman Iconclass
31AA the (nude) human figure; 'Corpo humano' (Ripa) - AA - female human figure Iconclass
31AA231 standing figure - AA - female human figure Iconclass
34B1 domestic animals, kept in the house Iconclass
34B11 dog Iconclass
34B12 cat Iconclass
41C653(APPLE) fruit (APPLE) Iconclass
47I214 goat Iconclass
48(+431) art (+ copy, copying ~ work of art) Iconclass
71 Old Testament Iconclass
71A Genesis from the creation to the expulsion from paradise, and later years of Adam and Eve Iconclass
71A3 creation of man; the Garden of Eden (Genesis 1:26 - 2) Iconclass
71A321 Garden of Eden, paradise Iconclass
71A33 Adam in the Garden of Eden Iconclass
71A35 Adam and Eve in paradise (before the Fall) Iconclass
71A4 Temptation and Fall (Genesis 3:1-7) Iconclass
School / Style Renaissance AAT
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