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Portrait of the Writer Friedrich Schiller

  • lithography, paper
  • 225 x 145 mm
  • Inv. 2013-QX

Public Domain

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Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller (Marbach am Neckar 1759 - Weimar 1805) was a German playwright, philosopher and poet.


Joseph SchubertRKD
Brussels 1816 - Brussels 1885

Henri LouxRKD
Auenheim 1873 - Strasbourg 1907
printers (people)AAT

H. Ode
ca. 1820 - 1850

TitlePortrait of the Writer Friedrich Schiller
Period19th century
Medium and supportlithographyAAT
Signatures, inscriptions, and markings inscription outside the depiction, left: Schubert Lith°.
inscription: Schiller
inscription outside the depiction, right: Lith. de Loux.
inscription outside the depiction, bottom left: Biographie univ. Album. 5.
inscription bottom right, outside the depiction: Publie par H. Ode.
Collectionprint room
Object type lithographs AAT
Inventory number2013-QX
Acquisition credit unknown
Current whereaboutsWork currently not on display
IIIF Manifest