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Pentecost, from the series Imagines et figurae bibliorum, ca. 1582 - 1593, ca. 1653 - 1654

  • etching, paper
  • Inv. 2013-ABL

Public Domain

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The depiction of Pentecost takes place in a room where the Holy Spirit descends on the Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene and the 12 apostles. The people in Jerusalem crowd together and are beside themselves with amazement as they hear the apostles each speaking in their own language (Acts 2).


Pieter I van der Borcht RKD
Mechelen ca. 1530 - Antwerp ca. 1611

Jan Philipsz. Schabaelje
Amsterdam ca. 1586 - Amsterdam 1656

Title Pentecost, from the series Imagines et figurae bibliorum
Date ca. 1582 - 1593
ca. 1653 - 1654
Period 16th century
17th century
Location Amsterdam TGN
Medium and support etching AAT
Signatures, inscriptions, and markings printed inscription in the depiction, top left: Act. 2. 1.
printed inscription in the dipiction, at the top: Ebry sed non ex mero
printed inscription in the representation, bottom left: Pe. V. Borcht
printed inscription in the depiction, at the bottom right: 97
stamps (tools) on the back, bottom right: Stad Gent / Museum voor Schone Kunsten
Collection print room
Object type etching AAT
Inventory number 2013-ABL
Acquisition credit unknown
Current whereabouts Work currently not on display
IIIF Manifest
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300055874 religious symbolism AAT
300189808 figures (representations) AAT
300015636 landscapes AAT
300124520 interior views AAT
Keywords Iconclass 11D Christ Iconclass
11D3 Christ as adult Iconclass
11D334 adult Christ together with apostles, evangelists, saints, etc. Iconclass
11F the Virgin Mary Iconclass
11HH(MARY MAGDALENE) the penitent harlot Mary Magdalene; possible attributes: book (or scroll), crown, crown of thorns, crucifix, jar of ointment, mirror, musical instrument, palm-branch, rosary, scourge Iconclass
25I city-view, and landscape with man-made constructions Iconclass
25I12 prospect of city, town panorama, silhouette of city Iconclass
61E(JERUSALEM) names of cities and villages (JERUSALEM) Iconclass
73 New Testament Iconclass
73E5 Pentecost: the Holy Ghost descends upon (Mary and) the apostles, sometimes Paul and/or representatives of the nations present (Acts 2:1-4) Iconclass
73E6 the apostles, inspired by the Holy Ghost, address the representatives of the nations ~ Pentecost (Acts 2:5-41) Iconclass
School / Style Renaissance AAT
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