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King Pest, ca. 1886 - ca. 1888

  • pencils (drawing and writing equipment), black chalk, chalk, paper
  • 172 x 226 mm
  • Inv. 2002-D

Public Domain

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The drawing "King Pest" is based on a story by Edgar Allen Poe, titled "King Pest, a tale containing an allegory". The story is about two sailors who leave an inn without paying and are consequently pursued by the evil landlady. During their escape, they end up in a London district where they end up in a cellar where King Pest is presiding over a meeting. In 1895, Ensor engraved an etching after the drawing, which was created around 1886-1888 (inv. 1998-B-100).


James Ensor RKD VIAF Wikidata
Ostend 1860 - Ostend 1949
draftsmen (artists)AAT

Edgar Allan Poe
Boston 1809 - Baltimore 1849

Title King Pest
Date ca. 1886 - ca. 1888
Period 19th century
Signatures, inscriptions, and markings signature and year bottom right: Ensor 80
Collection print room
Object type pencil drawings AAT
chalk drawings AAT
Inventory number 2002-D
Acquisition credit gift
The Friends of the Museum
Current whereabouts Work currently not on display
IIIF Manifest
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300056485 fantastic art AAT
Keywords Iconclass 11K devil(s) and demons Iconclass
23T27(14) modern division of historical epochs ~ centuries (14) Iconclass
25F9 mis-shapen animals; monsters Iconclass
31A21 (human) skeleton Iconclass
31A211 (human) skull Iconclass
31A231 standing figure Iconclass
31A235 sitting figure Iconclass
31A42 human beings (legendary or not) of abnormal proportions, size, strength, etc. Iconclass
31A4621 plague Iconclass
31A46210 personification of plague Iconclass
31AA235 sitting figure - AA - female human figure Iconclass
31F11 death's head, skull (symbol of Death) Iconclass
41A711 table Iconclass
41A721 chairs (furniture forms) Iconclass
41A7211 stool Iconclass
41A775 wooden container: barrel, cask Iconclass
41C51(+2) banquet of elegant company (+ toast at meal, banquet) Iconclass
41C52 carousal, drinking-bout, orgy Iconclass
41C711 wine ~ alcoholic drinks Iconclass
41C7112 bottle of wine Iconclass
41C7113 kinds of wine Iconclass
41C712 liqueur Iconclass
41C715(PUNCH) other alcoholic drinks (PUNCH) Iconclass
41D221(FEATHERED HAT) head-gear (FEATHERED HAT) Iconclass
42E141 coffin Iconclass
42E271 undertaker, mortician Iconclass
44B113 king Iconclass
45D323 sailor Iconclass
46A63 meeting, assembly Iconclass
47A21 workshop-interior Iconclass
47I83 charcoal burning, charcoal burner, wood collier Iconclass
56DD34 Horror, Abhorrence Iconclass
61E(LONDON) names of cities and villages (LONDON) Iconclass
82A(ARCH DUKE PEST-IFEROUS) male literary characters (ARCH DUKE PEST-IFEROUS) Iconclass
82A(DUKE PEST-ILENTIAL) male literary characters (DUKE PEST-ILENTIAL) Iconclass
82A(DUKE TEM-PEST) male literary characters (DUKE TEM-PEST) Iconclass
82A(HUGH TARPAULIN) male literary characters (HUGH TARPAULIN) Iconclass
82A(KING PEST) male literary characters (KING PEST) Iconclass
82A(LEGS) male literary characters (LEGS) Iconclass
82A(TIM HURLYGURLY) male literary characters (TIM HURLYGURLY) Iconclass
82AA(ARCH DUCHESS ANA-PEST) female literary characters (ARCH DUCHESS ANA-PEST) Iconclass
82AA(QUEEN PEST) female literary characters (QUEEN PEST) Iconclass
83(POE, King Pest) (scenes from) specific works of literature (POE, King Pest) Iconclass
School / Style Symbolism (artistic concept) AAT
satire (artistic device) AAT
James Ensor / Emile Verhaeren. - Bruxelles : G. Van Oest & Cie, 1908 (p. 109)
Les dessins d'Ensor / Paul Fierens. - Bruxelles : Editions Apollo, 1944 ((ill. 5))
James Ensor / Paul Haesaerts, Jean Cassou. - Bruxelles : Elsevier, 1957 (p. 147 (ill.), 376, nr. 95)
Ensor, cet inconnu / Francine-Claire Legrand, Gisèle Ollinger-Zinque. - Bruxelles : La Renaissance du Livre, 1971 (p. 86, 109, nr. 33 (ill. 31))
Ensor : Voorafgegaan door Ensortilèges van Pierre Alechinsky / Robert L. Delevoy. - Antwerpen : Mercatorfonds, 1981 (p. 233 (ill. 153))
Ensoriana / Xavier Tricot. - Oostende : L'Hareng Saur, 1985 (p. 56, nr. 32)
James Ensor : Tekeningen en prenten / Robert Hoozee, Sabine Bown-Taevernier, Jan Frederik Heijbroek. - Antwerpen : Mercatorfonds, 1987 (p. 136-137, nr. 88 (ill.))
'Ensor et la France: l'influence de l'art français sur la peinture d'Ensor', in: James Ensor [tent. cat. Petite Palais-Parijs] / Dominique Morel. - Parijs : Musée du Petit Palais (Parijs), [s.a.] (p. 73)
Ensor / Francine-Claire Legrand. - Bruxelles : La Renaissance du Livre, 1990 (p. 109, 123 nr. 33)
James Ensor : Geïllustreerde catalogus van zijn gravures, hun kritische beschrijving en inventaris van de platen = catalogue illustré de ses gravures, leur description critique et l'inventaire des plaques = illustrated catalogue of his engravings, their critical description and inventary of the plates / Auguste Taevernier. - Antwerpen : Pandora, 1999 ; Gent : Snoeck-Ducaju & Zoon, 1999 (p. 247 nr. T-100 (ill.))
Lettres / James Ensor, Xavier Tricot. - Bruxelles : Editions Labor, 1999 ; Bruxelles : Archives et Musée de la Littérature, 1999 (p. 191)
Belgische schone : Ensor tot Magritte ; Hoogtepunten uit de verzameling van het Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent (tentoonstelling Laren, Singer Laren, 16.06 - 30.08.2015) / Johan De Smet, Jan Rudolph De Lorm. - Gent : Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent, 2015 ; Laren : Singer Laren, 2015 ; Heule : Uitgeverij Snoeck, 2015 (cat. 14 (ill. p. 35))
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