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Illustration for Ultima Thule, 1898

  • pencils (drawing and writing equipment), black ink, gouache, paper
  • 166 x 231 mm
  • Inv. 1958-W-1

Public Domain

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Charles DoudeletRKDVIAFWikidata
Lille 1861 - Ghent 1938
draftsmen (artists)AAT

TitleIllustration for Ultima Thule
Date 1898
Period19th century
Signatures, inscriptions, and markings signatures (names) bottom left: Charles Doudelet
inscription bottom right: CDMDCCCXCVIII
Collectionprint room
Object type ink drawing
pencil drawings AAT
gouache AAT
Inventory number1958-W-1
Acquisition credit purchase
Pycke, François
Current whereaboutsWork currently not on display
IIIF Manifest