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Honorary Medal Portraying Baron Jules-Marie-Alphonse Jacques, 1921

  • bronze
  • 697 x 477 mm
  • Inv. 1923-AC

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Baron Jacques was a military man from Stavelot. Between 1887 and 1905 he accompanied four campaigns to Congo and fought there against the Arabs. In the First World War he was commander of the 12th regiment during several battles. Jacques received the title of Baron on 15 August 1919. This piece for Baron Jacques is sometimes, wrongly, considered to be the fourth medal dedicated by "Les Amis de la Médaille d'Art" to the main episodes of the war. De Bremaecker offered this medal, independently of the aforementioned series, to the members of his association. On the obverse, Baron Jules-Marie-Alphonse Jacques is portrayed, on the reverse his coat of arms and three warriors with armour and shield.


Eugène De Bremaecker RKD
Brussels 1879 - Brussels 1963

Paul Fisch
Brussels 1865 - Brussels 1919
workshop / studio

Title Honorary Medal Portraying Baron Jules-Marie-Alphonse Jacques
Date 1921
Period 20th century
Signatures, inscriptions, and markings inscription on the front side: Lt. Gl. Baron Jacques
signature and year on the reverse: J. D. Bremaecker 1921
inscription on the reverse: Je tiendrai.
inscription on the reverse: Campagne arabe 1892 toa. pala
inscription on the reverse: Campagne de 1914-1918 over de vaart. Dixmude Merckem Crête de Staden
monogram on the reverse: AM
Collection sculpture AAT
Object type medal of honour
Inventory number 1923-AC
Acquisition credit gift
Les Amis de la Médaille d'Art
IIIF Manifest
Art & Architecture Thesaurus 300189808 figures (representations) AAT
Keywords Iconclass 31A71 male sex; man Iconclass
46A122 coats of arms, heraldry Iconclass
School / Style realism (artistic form of expression) AAT
Eugène De Bremaecker (Fonds Richard de Moor). - [s.l.] : [s.n.], [s.a.]
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